Friday, January 29, 2010

Time to Move

As we enter week five, I am not really sure where Jen is. She said she is taking pics daily but hasn't had the time to post them. Either way....Week 5 is upon us and the theme of the week is MOVEMENT. Should be fun!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Monday, January 25, 2010

Black and White

In honor of the release of Michael Jackson's movie tomorrow, this week's theme is Black and White!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Three More Self-Portraits

These are the last three interpretive self-portraits. Next week (okay...starting today), is black and white.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Another Mass Blog

I hate to clump my photo posts all at the same time but I am back in a crazy week. Still interpreting this week of "Self-Portrat."
I did not take a photo on Sunday so I took two on Monday and one on Tuesday. Standby for Wednesday's post.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Self-Portrait #1

I want to think of unique ways to express a self portrait without setting up the camera and shooting on timer or into a mirror or reflective device. I am taking creative liberty this week. This photo was inspired by a painting in Hubert and Aaron's bathroom. I love it!

Week Three

Sweet! I can't believe we are already in Week Three!!! This week was originally going to be "kids." However, I decided I didn't want to be that creepy man hanging out at the playground taking pictures of random children. So, this week is either CHILDREN or SELF-PORTRAIT. I hope I can post daily this week. I am back to working a regular schedule so it should be easier. YAY.

And the last two....

I hate these two but what can you do? Hopefully next week will better. Who knows.

A CRAZY busy week

Well, this is not how I had hoped to run this project at all. I would have liked to post throughout the week but alas, this has been a crazy week at work. These are the first five of the seven.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

fun with shiny things...

So we changed this week's theme to Gray. Here's my shot...I'm actually quite happy with it. The camera was in Tv (Shutter speed mode) & was reading a very underexposed image. Luckily, with the flash on manual set to 1/4 power...I got a pretty good exposure...

I'm loving this blog and sad this will be my last post for a week...don't worry, I'll be taking my pictures and will have a "megapost" when I get back from my ski trip.


New Theme

Since last night, I have tried singing like both Cinderella and Snow White...Where the hell are the forest creatures!?!?! Don't they know I need to shoot them? With a camera....guns are bad.

With that said, we have changed the theme of the week. We are going gray. This is inspired by the fantastic weather in the Central Florida region. I will take two photos today to make up for the lack of animals yesterday.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Week 2, Day 1 --> to watch greg squirm or not...

So, today is Day 1 of Week 2...and as Greg pointed out, we are to take pictures of Animals. Lucky for me, I live with 2...Jack and Sam, our mini-schnauzers. I've got my subjects available rain, snow, sleet...but karma can be a pain in the neck, so I guess we will switch for the rest of the week. That said...I couldn't help but post a picture of my Sammie!

I've got a new CF reader & the rest of still life...

So, I've got a new CF card reader and can now upload the last 3 days of still life (days 5, 6, & 7.)

1st up -- nothing like a cold one and some TV. Any yes...that is the Staples "Easy" Button. (& yes, it does talk.)

Day 6...I was having a blast outside in the frigid afternoon air playing soccer with my 3 year old. She's getting the hang of excited that she like was a good day!
Finally, with no inspiration, I finally found a shot I was ok with...the fun part was laying across the dining room table to get the shot.

All of the Animals are DEAD I can't find any animals. They are all running from the Big Orlando Blizzard of 2010!! This assignment is going to suck. I need to figure out something other than animals to shoot this week. Maybe I can convince Jen to change it to contrast or something else.

The Week of the Animal

This should be an interesting week on Project 360. Week one is done and Jennifer and I are finished with still-life for the next 25 weeks. Week two is ANIMALS. What a great week to start with animals...the coldest weeks we have had in 20 years! Every frickin' animal is either frozen or hibernating. For once, I hope I see a spider or a cockroach in my house so I can take a picture of it before I smash it. Can I take photos of stuffed animals? Does that count? Would anyone really care?

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Where is Jen???

I am not sure where Jennifer is. She hasn't posted in a few days. I guess I should call her and make sure she is okay. In the meantime, I am going to eat my sandwich.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Day Time Stood Still

Today was very long....VERY long. Not tough, just LONG! I took a few shots, again, more I didn't wine glass in various stages of full for example. It is amazing what a good Cab will do for creativity! Here are two photos that I took. I will let you decide which one you like better. One represents my "day that stood still" and the other will soon be full of fire. Getting down into the 20s here tonight. Please comment.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Houston we have a problem... it seems that my CF card reader is no longer functioning. I went to upload my picts, but I'm unable to get them onto the computer at this time. Wade's bringing me a new reader from the office (I hope...).

Familiar Surroundings

I have always been told to take inspiration from my surroundings. There is something creative in everything, you just might have to look at it from a different angle.

I wish I could have controlled the lighting a little bit more...damn generic overhead office lights. If I get inspired later, I may take another photo. Not overly happy with this one.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Freezing temperatures ended the run of my very first home-grown tomato plant. As you can see, we had lots of tomatoes on the vine. For the first time, I'm really trying to work with manual settings with my digital SLR. This picture was taken with natural light from a north-facing window, f-stop 20, for 1/2 second (manual setting). It was a little underexposed, so I increased the exposure by 2/3 f-stop in Lightroom.
So, anyone got a good recipe for green cherry tomatoes? (they are a little undersized..more like grape tomatoes...)

Day 4

Not much to say. I do like this photo though. Simple and sweet and I like the symmetry. However, it now bothers me that the tiles don't align behind the faucet. Yay for OCD.

Days 2 and 3

I was on a cruise for the past few days. There was limited still life...the seas were a bit rough. And subject matters were swaying...

Title of Project

Okay okay...I know that there are questions as to the title of the blog. Most of these photo projects are a Project 365 (One photo a day). To be different, we have decided Project 360, because we are doing this twice in one year. We have 26 different weekly themes and once we have completed them, we will be going back in the circle (360 degrees). Plus, the title was already taken by someone on Blog Spot.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Days 2 and 3...

Unlike my first post, these pictures were taken with my P&S. A very nice Canon SD990, but not my SLR. I'm planning on adding some technical information with my posts. I think the differences between our personal styles & vision behind the camera will become very evident. He is more artistic, I'm more of a technical perfectionist.

Jan 2: last Christmas celebration with family. I joked that Christmas 2009 would never end...but sadly, our last exchanging of gifts was last night.

Tonight, I was hoping to channel my brother a little bit, but now I think I might have been channeling Patty?

Note: Greg's on a mini-cruise and will be posting when he gets back in town.

Definitions of Acronyms: SLR --> Single Lens Reflex; P&S --> Point and Shoot

Saturday, January 2, 2010

January 1, 2010 - Still Life

I can already see that this is going to be more of a challenge than I initially anticipated. I could find the shot, but I don't normally carry my camera on me so that will be a new habit I have to form for 2010.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Still life -- day 1 (Jan 1st, 2010)

Each day, Jen and Greg are going to post their "shot of the day". Each week will be a different category...this first week is still life. Here is Jen's first post...